Testing and Performance

Nationally Mandated Testing

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), grade 4.

State Mandated Testing

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) measures student progress on standards in grades 3-8, & 11 in the spring of each school year.  Students in California take the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) in English Language Arts and Math.  The state measures student proficiency in English with the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC) upon an English Learners first entry into a public school, and annually until they have demonstrated proficiency in English.  Students in grade 5 also take a state Physical Fitness Test.

District Mandated Testing

Includes Fountas & Pinnell reading for grades K-2, FAST Reading for grades 3-5 and the DEMI math assessment for grades 3-5. 

Special Education Testing

Parents may request that a district psychologist and resource specialist evaluate their children for learning disabilities. Requests are to be made to the principal. An Instructional Study Team (IST) will meet with the parent or guardian to determine the appropriateness of the request.


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